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The Rostov State Puppet theatre:

The Rostov State Puppet theatre
Rostov State Puppet Theater is one of the oldest in the country. His story begins with a group of puppeteers who started working for children in the 1920s. And puppeteers, among them were M. Kushnarenko, N. Smirnova, A. Dora and others, worked so successfully, with inspiration and talent that the Azov-Black Sea Komsomol decided to create a puppet theater. For the first time he opened his doors to the audience in 1935. Several generations of residents of the Don region grew up in his performances. Having grown up already, they bring their children and grandchildren to the theater of their childhood.

At different times the theater was directed by famous directors: Boris Sakhnovsky - student of KS. Stanislavsky, Leonid Stelmakhovich - a student of VE Meyerhold. For more than 35 years, the artistic direction was headed by a student of S.V. Obraztsov - Vladimir Bylkov.

+7 (863) 263 45 91,
+7 (863) 263 37 24
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The Rostov State Puppet theatre

Rostov-on-Don, Universitetskiy Alley, 46


+7 (863) 2644141, (863) 264-52-77

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