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Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day to All Friends of Russia is My History Historical Parks from Aboard International Space Station:

Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day to All Friends of Russia is My History Historical Parks from Aboard International Space Station

Cosmonautics Day is annually observed in Russia on April 12. The main present to visitors of historical parks Russia is My History in Rostov and other cities was congratulations from O. Kononenko, a Cosmonaut, the Hero of Russia, right from aboard of the International Space Station.

The Russian cosmonaut showed the Historical Map of Russia. He received it in one of the multimedia parks Russia is My History, which he visited together with his family in summer 2018.

This year visitors of historical parks in Rostov and other cities will see a full-dome space show. The historical reenactment will make viewers plunge into the atmosphere of the first human conquests of the outer space and will tell about competition between space programs of two superpowers – the USSR and the USA.

At 2p.m. on April 12, visitors of the historical park in Rostov will have a chance to enjoy a free show of the film, The Age of Pioneers, about the first spacewalk.


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