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The Lost World:

The Lost World is a museum of open-air historical reconstructions, scientifically reproduced dwellings, household outbuildings and burial places, workshops, everyday items and tools of trade of the early ages.

Walking along the Path of History, you have an interactive journey, visiting Stone-Age and Bronze-Age settlements, a palafitte of lake fishermen, a steppe kurgan (a burial mound). The Path of History is a part of the summer camp for kids and is a series of consecutive reconstructed archeological sites typical for various epochs of the Don history.

When you visit the museum, you have a chance to look at excavation findings in kurgans and settlements, which the museum staff explored in the Rostov region.

The museum complex makes the history vivid, giving you some exposure to the ancient world. You can master primitive fire-making techniques, ancient weapons and tools of trade, try your hand at ancient trades – pottery, weaving, willow-weaving, processing various natural materials, construction and many others.

For more information, visit the website or contact by phone: +7(863)309 13 53
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