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ENVIRONMENTAL TOUR: Fragrance of Steppe Tulips (April 2022):

ENVIRONMENTAL TOUR: Fragrance of Steppe Tulips (April 2022)

You have long dreamed of seeing a flowering carpet of Manych steppes, but have never got a chance to set out on the trip? Or you already enjoyed the smell of wild tulips in days past and willing to repeat? It is a unique tour to the valley of the Zapadny Manych River to the coasts of Manych Gudilo Lake.  Those who come here in mid-April admire red, yellow, speckled tulips growing in abundance. The Manych valley is a stop on the mighty flight route of aquatic and semiaquatic birds, cranes, birds of prey.

The group meets at the intersection of Krasnoarmeyskaya Street and Voroshilovsky Avenue (near the House of Trade Unions), Rostov-on-Don.

Tour operator "Saga Voyage". Telephone information: +7(800) 201-37-27; +7(928) 216-62-59 (WhatsApp).


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