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Teachers’ Week is Held in Rostov-on-Don :

Teachers’ Week is Held in Rostov-on-Don

On October 4, the Russian National Teachers’ Week started in the Rostov region, like all over the country. Its beginning is timed to coincide with the professional day of teachers – Teachers’ Day. During the week, various events, flash mobs, roundtable talks and competitions will be held, they celebrate the teacher’s profession and are aimed at its promotion. Local educational institutions will hold online roundtable talks on on-point educational issues: why young people come to work at school and what is upbringing today.

A gala concert to celebrate the Teachers’ Day will be broadcast for the local people on Don-24 TV channel.

You can also watch the concert on the Youtube channel of the local Ministry of Education: (https://youtu.be/dmyq65TSRIQ).


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