Theater Square is the main square of the city. It accommodates every solemn social event and mass outdoor festivals.
What to see?
Building of the Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky, which determines the look of all the square, is known in the architectural world as the monument of late constructivism. It is claimed that in London Museum of Architecture the history of architecture of Russia is represented by only two architectural models: St. Basil’s Cathedral and Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky. Due to its unusual shape it is unofficially called a Tractor.
Building of a North-Caucasian Railway Directorate (Art Nouveau style) was the first constructed in the limits of the square in early XX c.
Memorial of Military Glory is devoted to Rostov-on-Don liberation fr om fascist invaders in February 1943. It is composed of a 72-meter high stela encircled with tufa stone with bas-reliefs devoted to episodes of the war and decorated with the statue of Nike, goddess of victory, from one side and the Order of Great Patriotic War of I Grade from the other side.
Light-and-music fountain representing a sculptural composition “Atlanteans”, which author is Evgeni Vuchetich, a well-known sculptor.
Park named after Vitya Cherevichkin, the smallest park in city with Alexander’s Column, which is the only monument in the city, surviving from pre-revolutionary times.
The park also accommodates the monument to great martyrs St. Peter and St. Fevronia of Murom, patron saints of the family.
Where to recreate?
Park named after October revolution is a perfect place for leisure. Touching Zoo; covered ice rink “Ledograd (Icebourg)”; soccer field; Amusement Park “Shum-Gam-Land (Hustle-and-Bustle-Land)” (the city dwellers call it “Field of Miracles”); group of rope-courses (Tie-Park) for children and adults; paint-ball course; carting race track; exotic birds; numerous cafés and, of course, a lot of benches, walking alleys, bicycle tracks, and walkways.
Ferris wheel “One Sky”, due to air-conditioned gondolas, allows to observe the historic part of Rostov-on-Don from a bird’s eye view in any season of the year. Theater is an efficient way to switch off from everyday fuss - performances of the Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky grant only positive emotions.