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Thousands of People Gathered for Second International Festival of Merchants and Folk Culture, In the City Garden:

Thousands of People Gathered for Second International Festival of Merchants and Folk Culture, In the City Garden

The festival took place right in the center of the regional capital – in B. Sadovaya Street, in its section from Semashko Lane up to Budennovsky Avenue.



The event began at the entrance to the City Administration building, where merchants greeted the guests. They introduced one of the first sites, Rostov of Merchants. There the ensemble of spoon players performed folk compositions, and the artisans showed handicrafts made of wood.




In the Blacksmith Shop of Masters, everyone could try their hand in minting coins. At the Pottery site, visitors could see household items and art objects made of clay. In the merchants’ rows of the Rostov Bazaar, they could taste flavorful Don treats.




Craftspeople from Murmansk, from the very Kola Peninsula, which is in the north of Russia, brought real treasures – unique Russian folk costumes.



At the end of the tour, the visitors touched the present. The merchants of the 21st century showed equipment and products of local manufacturers. A boat was handed over for the needs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


- Кроме того, в рамках фестиваля мы не позабыли о добрых делах - собрали книги для библиотек Донбасса и канцелярские товары для детей Донбасса, - подчеркнул Алексей Логвиненко. - Благодарю всех присутствующих за такой яркий, самобытный праздник! Торговцы, казаки, фокусники, артисты – все создали необычайную атмосферу купеческого Ростова! И показали наш город таким, какой он есть во все времена, – радушным, гостеприимным, хлебосольным! Отдельные слова признательности - нашим гостям из городов-партнеров (Ярославля, Пензы, Саратова, Краснодара, Мурманска, Луганска и Донецка), которые представили свою культуру на фестивале. Рад, что вы стали частью Дня рождения донской столицы!



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