
Renovated Motor Ship Melnik Restarted Navigation

MS Melnik, a cozy two-deck pleasure boat, has become even more comfortable and technically advance.

На теплоходе появилась зона повышенного комфорта

Now the ship enjoys a high comfort area – a private deck area with separated resting places, comfortable deck chairs, so you can enjoy a beautiful view from the bow of the ship, and tables at which you can enjoy snacks from the restaurant. The ship can seat up to 90 people on board and be a venue for any event: from a birthday party to a wedding celebration.

Модернизацию судна выполнила компания «ДонТур»

You can buy tickets for one-hour river trips and board the motor ship at Berths No. 21 to 23 on the embankment of the Don River from 9 am to 12 midnight.



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