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Memorial Stone in Memory of Famous Microbiologist Installed in Rostov:

Memorial Stone in Memory of Famous Microbiologist Installed in Rostov

In a year, a monument to the famous microbiologist and epidemiologist, a USSR creator of antibiotics Professor Zinaida Ermolyeva will be set up in the central alley in front of the entrance to the Rostov Medical University, which she graduated.

The memorial stone was officially laid on September 15, on a professional holiday of sanitary inspectors.

Assistant to President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky said that a competition was announced for the monument project and all Russian sculptors were invited to participate.

Vasily Golubev underscored that it would be Russia’s only monument to a doctor who saved millions of lives.

As a reminder, in her youth years, Zinaida Ermolyeva made a discovery that helped to conquer cholera. During the Great Patriotic War, she invented a Soviet version of penicillin. Under her leadership, laevomycetin, streptomycin, interferon and other medicines were developed.


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