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Warriors of Hippocrates Exhibition Opened in Rostov:

Warriors of Hippocrates Exhibition Opened in Rostov

A solo exhibition of paintings Warriors of Hippocrates by Elena Sukhorukova, also known under the moniker Elena Kyrmyzy Nar, which means "red pomegranate", opened at the City’s Art Center. The concept of the exhibition is through portraits to show diversity of fates of doctors who, at the cost of their own lives, have accomplished a feat in the fight against coronavirus infection. They are most widely represented at the exhibition: 90 oil portraits and 23 graphic ones. The author captured faces of “the heroes of our time” in the most positive light, chose bright, vivid colors for clothes and backgrounds, and for painting portraits she chose photographs that had captured doctors cheerful and smiling. At the exhibition, you can see portraits of local residents, as well as doctors from Moscow, Leningrad, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk regions, the cities of Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod, Bryansk, and others. The exhibition will run until April 9 inclusive. Admission is free. 


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