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Triathlon Competition, Largest in the South of Russia, Held in Rostov-on-Don:

Triathlon Competition, Largest in the South of Russia, Held in Rostov-on-Don

On September 8, TRIWAY TRIATHLON-2019 was held at the Don Rowing Canal. This competition is a major event in the sports life of Rostov and Russia, and it was timed to celebrate the 270th anniversary of the region’s capital. Its participants included not only residents of Rostov, but also guests from different parts of our country, residents of near and far abroad countries. Each participant received a beautiful medal and a T-shirt, gifts from partners, and they could also ride on a new highway blocked specifically for them on that day. A remarkable entertainment program was prepared for the guests of the sports event, and there were many pleasant surprises on the track for the participants! Winners were awarded at the end of the competition according to selected distances and age categories. 


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