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Gingerbread Pleasures:

What is Lebkuchen? And what do knights have to do with gingerbread?

And how did Yuebing save the Chinese army?

The schoolchildren will get answers to these and many other questions on our excursion.

Children will look behind the scenes of gingerbread production, work with real gingerbread dough, bake their first gingerbread, learn the secrets of using sugar icing and painting with it, take a big gingerbread with them, and have tea with the gingerbread that they have baked themselves.

The program is designed for organized groups of over 20 participants aged 7 years old or more.

Travel company "LenaTour".

Inquiries by phone: +7(863) 221-53-68 (multi-channel); +7(961) 301-17-16; +7(960) 446-14-41 (WhatsApp, Viber).

Address: Rostov-on-Don, Budennovsky Ave., 27.


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