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Tour around Rostselmash Plant :

Tour around Rostselmash Plant

Rostselmash Company is Russia’s largest and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of  agricultural equipment, it is the main city’s brand boasting a history of over 80 years. The group will see the plant’s territory, assembly and paint shops where harvesters and tractors are made; a museum of machinery, where the first seeding machines of the plant and machinery of the Soviet times are kept, including the famous Niva and Don harvesters, as well as the state-of-the-art flagships of the world’s agriculture. During the tour about the production facilities, you will see major manufacturing sections,  robot welding,  in-line assembly of huge units and other processes. Plus, excursionists will have a chance to visit the plant’s museum at the Culture Center, which can be justly called an architectural monument. The museum’s exposition tells about historical milestones of Rostselmash, its international connections, heroes who fought at various fronts during the Great Patriotic War.


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st. Menzhinsky, 2

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