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Rostov Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky :

Rostov Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky

The building was constructed in 1935 upon the project of Vladimir Schuko, member of the Academy of Architecture, and Professor Vladimir Gelfreich. Stage equipment designed by the engineer Ivan Ekskuzovich. The construction was implemented by the collective of “Teatrostroy” company (director Arkady Stambler). After completion of the construction the theater was named to be one of the best in the country. 

The theater resembles a tractor by its exterior. Initially it was fronted with Inkerman stone, and part of façade – with white marble, pilasters at the entrance were of polished labradorite spar. Main stairs were also fronted with natural marble, and the entrance hall, lobby, and the audience hall – with marezzo marble. The big audience hall was designed for 2250 spectators and theater performances, when the small audience – for variety shows and concerts. The theater building also accommodated a library and museum.          

 The building façade was decorated with high reliefs of Sergei Korolkov. The major drawback of the building was bad acoustic. Such prominent architects as Le Corbusier and Oscar Niemeyer named the theater as a pearl of Soviet architecture. It is said that in the London Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture Russia is represented with two models only: Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed and Rostov Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky.

Reconstructed by 1963 the theater became much smaller. The project of reconstruction was made by the architects V. Anikin, V. Razumovsky, V, Deontiev, under supervision of N. Semenenko, and consultations of Prof. V. Gelfreich.

Interior of the building was completely reconfigured. The capacity of the audience halls decreased greatly, numerous sofa rooms and snack bar rooms, nursery and kindergarten  eliminated, remained only one rolling circle at the stage. Bigger part of marble fronting disappeared. At the same time acoustic improved greatly.    

There are three stages in the theater today: Big Audience Hall with 1165 seats (stage dimensions: width — 23 meters, depth — 22 m, height — 22 m), Small Audience Hall for 300 seats and Experimental Stage for 70 seats. Besides the west wing of the building holds ART-Gallery which arranges selling events for works of art, and ART-Café “1, Theater square”.

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