In 1903 the Rostov Administration allotted a two dessiatinas land plot 20 versts far from the city for construction of the nunnery. The convent was patronized by merchant S. I. Fedorov that is why the people called it Fedorovsky monastery. The legend says that the merchant bought the monastery for his daughter who wished to detach from the world. In a couple of years on the monastery land there was erected a wooden chapel and cells that were further replaced by stone ones. Over the healing spring there was erected a cupel and a hegumeness house nearby.
There were arranged a monastery garden and a pond.
In 1905 the architect N. M. Sokolov executed the project of a small stone monastery temple. The construction was completed in 1908. The temple was named after the Iverskaya Icon of Holy Madonna whose image was given to the monastery by the patron merchant Fedorov. Nowadays in the reconstructed monastery there are more then 30 nuns. Each day they hold divine services in the monastery temple, work in the household plot and execute other monastery obedience duties.
Address :
Neklinovskaya Str., 4
+7(952) 574-96-82