Museum of History of the Don Area Center of Chemical Education Materials was opened in 2005 for active popularization of natural science education, development of comprehensive education environment, an important place of which is taken by the history of innovations and disclosures in material chemistry. The museum is visited by schoolchildren of senior high school of the Rostov Region, and also school teachers of natural sciences going through the courses of professional skills improvement in the Don Area Center of Chemical Education Materials.
Museum exhibits are used as visual aids for the classes. Meanwhile the Museum of History of the Materials is notable for the possibility of both visual and tactile acquaintance with the properties of various materials, and in many cases to observe an exhibit in operation (kerosene stove and soldering torch, utensils of an old chemical laboratory and charcoal iron, antique folded glass and a cigarette lighter of early 20 c.).
Special sections are devoted to “grand” materials: celluloid, Bakelite resin, glass, ceramics, and others. There are collections exhibited: “Chemistry in Postage Stamps”, “Chemistry on Badges and in Advertizing”.