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Art Gallery NNN:

Opening of a cultural center, which is represented by the Art Gallery NNN, in the building, which in its turn is a historic and architectural monument of the city is, to our mind, the best use of the historical heritage. The gallery was opened in 2010, its exhibit space is 340 sq. meters, and the main purpose of its activity is promotion in shaping of the cultural image of the Dan area capital.

Art Gallery NNN presents the collection of more than 1000 works of Nikolai Poluishenko: landscapes, still life paintingss, portraits, and illustrations, made in various painting techniques, watercolor, drawing, engraving, serigraphy in series: “Russia”, “The Don Land”, “Rostov-on-Don”, “Taganrog”, “Austria”, “Italy”, “Malta”, “Germany”, “Switzerland”, “France”, “Next to Anton Chekhov”, “Mikhail Sholokhov”, “Alexander Solzhenitsin”, “Vanguard – Modern Art”.   

 Regularly Art Gallery NNN arranges travelling exhibitions in Russia and abroad, popularizing places of interest and the best people of Rostov-on-Don. Besides the pieces of art by the author the gallery offers the reproductions, calendars, post-cards, photo books, catalogues.

Indivisible part of work of the art gallery is donating the print publications to universities, theaters, orphanages, schools, hospitals, and libraries.

The visitors to the city may take back the precious presents, and warm impressions about the Don land. 

Working hours:
Mon-Fri 10:30-19:30; 
Sat, Sun 10:30-14:30

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