The building was constructed in 1911 under the project of A. Kh. Zakiyev. After the Soviets came to power there in 1920, the building became the House of the Press. Correspondents of the Molot Newspaper and an association of proletarian writers headquartered there. In 1926, the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky took the stage there. Shortly before the Great Patriotic War, the building was made over for the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs. After the war, the upper stories of the building housed the Yuzhnaya Hotel, and there was a puppet theater on its first floor.
Now the building belongs to Gazprom Mezhregiongas Rostov-na-Donu Company. The building features Art Nouveau style. Its facade boasts versatile wreaths, floral ornaments and vases. The building is rectangular in its shape, and it has an inner court area. The building has a corridor-type arrangement.