Russian – Armenian Friendship Museum

As modern Rostov-on-Don integrates two earlier separate cities – Rostov-on-Don (founded in 1749) and Nakhichevan-on-Don (founded in 1779), a decision was taken to establish a Museum of Russian – Armenian Friendship (Branch of the State Budget Cultural establishment of Rostov Region “Rostov Regional Museum of Natural History”). It was opened on November 25, 2011. Address of the Branch: 14/2, Svobody Square, Rostov-on-Don, in the building of the two-storey mansion house of merchant Mark Iskidarov, built in 1899 - 1900 by architect S. Laskanov, being a listed monument of architecture. Main exposition is at the second floor.

Sections of exposition of the Russian – Armenian Friendship Museum: 
1st Hall: “New Retreat at the Don Land” – history of transmigration of Armenians from Crimean khanate in 1779, development of Novo-Nakhichevan colony, town Nakhichevan-on-Don. The exposition covers a considerable part of modern Rostov-on-Don history – culture and everyday life of Nakhichevan-on-Don. It is a unique “city inside city”, once the center of Novo-Nakhichevan colony – “Armenia of the Don land”, which included also Chaltuir, Krim, Nesvetai, Bolsjiye Salui, Sultan-Salui, Ekaterinovan settlements.

Unique exhibits are concentrated in four spacious halls of Russian – Armenian Friendship Museum: old items of everyday life, holy vessels, books, photographs, musical instruments, folk costumes. The exposition illustrates the culture and everyday life of the Don land Armenians, centuries old history of friendly coexistence of nations in Russia.

2nd Hall: “Household Culture of Nor-Nakhichevan Colony” – ethnic-and-cultural identity of the Don Armenians (XVIII – 1st quarter of XX cc.).
3rd and 4th Halls:

“Nakhichevan and Its Dwellers” – urban life, social-economic and cultural development of Nakhichavan-on-Don. 

Working Hours:
Tue – Sun: 10:00 – 18:00