Eremenko street
Eremenko Andrei Ivanovich (1892-1970) – a soviet military commander, a Marshal of the Soviet Union, a Hero of the Soviet Union.
The troops commanded by Eremenko fought outside Smolensk, heroically defended Stalingrad. Under his command the troops of Stalingrad front took part in surrounding of the army of general Paulus F. (Uranus operation).
In Spring 1944 Eremenko’s Separate Coastal Army together with the army of Tolbukhin F.I. participated in the battle for the Crimea.
Eremenko A.I. commanded the troops liberating Latvia, Poland and Czechoslovakia.
In 1944 he became a Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Victory Parade he led the column of the 4th Ukrainian front.
The troops commanded by Eremenko fought outside Smolensk, heroically defended Stalingrad. Under his command the troops of Stalingrad front took part in surrounding of the army of general Paulus F. (Uranus operation).
In Spring 1944 Eremenko’s Separate Coastal Army together with the army of Tolbukhin F.I. participated in the battle for the Crimea.
Eremenko A.I. commanded the troops liberating Latvia, Poland and Czechoslovakia.
In 1944 he became a Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Victory Parade he led the column of the 4th Ukrainian front.
Еременко Андрей Иванович (1892–1970) – советский полководец, Маршал Советского Союза, Герой Советского Союза.
Войска под командованием Маршала Еременко А.И. сражались под Смоленском, героически обороняли Сталинград. Войска Сталинградского фронта под его командованием участвовали в окружении группировки фельдмаршала Паулюса Ф. (операция «Уран»).
Весной 1944 года Отдельная Приморская армия Еременко совместно с войсками Толбухина Ф. И. вела бои за Крым.
Войска под командованием генерала Еременко А.И. освобождали Латвию, затем Польшу и Чехословакию.
В 1944 году полководец стал Героем Советского Союза. На Параде Победы он возглавлял колонну 4-го Украинского фронта.