Peskov street
Peskov Dmitry Mihailovich (1914–1975), a commander of the battery of the 2nd guards separate mounted artillery division of the 4th guards cavalry corps of the Southern front, the senior lieutenant of the guards, a Hero of the Soviet Union.
His skills in commanding of an army and successful actions were mentioned in the printed orders of Supreme commander Stalin I.V for 20 times.
Peskov D.M., and his battery,were repulsing the enemy's tank attacks in February 1943 near the Semernikovo residential area outside Rostov-on-Don.
Commander Peskov D.M. received the Gold Star of the hero of the Soviet Union, and all the soldiers of his battery were awarded the orders and medals for the liberation of Rostov-on-Don.
His skills in commanding of an army and successful actions were mentioned in the printed orders of Supreme commander Stalin I.V for 20 times.
Peskov D.M., and his battery,were repulsing the enemy's tank attacks in February 1943 near the Semernikovo residential area outside Rostov-on-Don.
Commander Peskov D.M. received the Gold Star of the hero of the Soviet Union, and all the soldiers of his battery were awarded the orders and medals for the liberation of Rostov-on-Don.
Песков Дмитрий Михайлович (1914–1975) – командир батареи 2-го гвардейского отдельного конного артиллерийского дивизиона 4-го гвардейского кавалерийского корпуса Южного фронта, гвардии старший лейтенант, Герой Советского Союза.
Его искусство управления войсками и успешные действия 20 раз отмечались в приказах Верховного Главнокомандующего Сталина И.В.
Песков Д.М. вместе с батареей в феврале 1943 года у населенного пункта Семерниково, под Ростовом-на-Дону, отражал танковые атаки противника.
Командир Песков Д.М. получил Золотую Звезду Героя Советского Союза, и все бойцы его батареи были награждены орденами и медалями за освобождение Ростова.