Nozadze street
Nozadze Aleksandra Konstantinovna – political instructor of the 1151st rifle regiment of the 343d division of the 56th army.
In late November 1941 when soviet troops captured a foothold in Nizhneglinovskaya, the Germans were doing their best to beat them off. In the meantime a group of soviet troops together with Nozadze A.L. was moving to positions. Suddenly the fire stopped. The soldiers rushed forward and got ambushed. A machinegun was firing from the masked position. The soldiers took the ground. Nozadze A.L. understood that it was only a matter of time, when they all would be killed and that the soldiers can be inspired only by personal example. She stood up and ran forward. After a short and fierce fight the company managed to get through but Nozadze A.L. paid her life for it.
On the 4th of January 1942 Nozadze A.L was posthumously awarded a “Red Star” order for the bravery and courage shown in fights for Rostov.
In late November 1941 when soviet troops captured a foothold in Nizhneglinovskaya, the Germans were doing their best to beat them off. In the meantime a group of soviet troops together with Nozadze A.L. was moving to positions. Suddenly the fire stopped. The soldiers rushed forward and got ambushed. A machinegun was firing from the masked position. The soldiers took the ground. Nozadze A.L. understood that it was only a matter of time, when they all would be killed and that the soldiers can be inspired only by personal example. She stood up and ran forward. After a short and fierce fight the company managed to get through but Nozadze A.L. paid her life for it.
On the 4th of January 1942 Nozadze A.L was posthumously awarded a “Red Star” order for the bravery and courage shown in fights for Rostov.
Нозадзе Александра Константиновна – политрук роты 1151-го стрелкового полка 343-й дивизии 56-й армии.
В конце ноября 1941 года советские войска захватили плацдарм в Нижнегниловской. Немцы всеми силами пытались его отбить. В это время вместе с политруком Нозадзе А.К. к позициям продвигалась группа красноармейцев. Внезапно вражеский огонь затих. Бойцы стремительно двинулись вперед. И попали в ловушку. Из замаскированного дзота застрочил пулемет. Солдаты залегли. Нозаздзе А.К. понимала, что промедление подобно смерти, и бойцов поднять в атаку можно только собственным примером. Она выпрямилась и бросилась вперед. После короткого и ожесточенного боя роте удалось прорваться. Но за эту победу Нозадзе А.К. заплатила собственной жизнью.
4 января 1942 года Нозадзе А. К. за отвагу и храбрость, проявленные в боях за Ростов, посмертно была награждена орденом Красной Звезды.