Cherevichkin street
Cherevichkin Viktor Ivanovich (1925-1941) - Rostov pioneer-hero.
When the Germans in 1941, took Rostov-on-Don, they ordered the town pigeon owners to destroy all their birds. The Germans feared that using carrier pigeons Rostov will send intelligence information to the Soviet troops.
But Victor did not obey the order and secretly continued to keep pigeons, with their help he established the connection with the guerrillas. But he was "discovered" and arrested. Before he was led away to death, Victor managed to release all the pigeons loose.
At the Nuremberg trial a photo of a murdered boy with a dove in his hands was represented among all the documents denouncing fascism.
In 1954 he was included in the official list of the pioneer heroes, released as part of the Book of Honor All-Union Pioneer Organization of V.I. Lenin.
When the Germans in 1941, took Rostov-on-Don, they ordered the town pigeon owners to destroy all their birds. The Germans feared that using carrier pigeons Rostov will send intelligence information to the Soviet troops.
But Victor did not obey the order and secretly continued to keep pigeons, with their help he established the connection with the guerrillas. But he was "discovered" and arrested. Before he was led away to death, Victor managed to release all the pigeons loose.
At the Nuremberg trial a photo of a murdered boy with a dove in his hands was represented among all the documents denouncing fascism.
In 1954 he was included in the official list of the pioneer heroes, released as part of the Book of Honor All-Union Pioneer Organization of V.I. Lenin.
Черевичкин Виктор Иванович (1925–1941) – ростовский пионер-герой.
Когда немцы в 1941 году взяли Ростов-на-Дону, они приказали городским владельцам голубятен уничтожить всех своих птиц. Гитлеровцы опасались, что с помощью почтовых голубей ростовчане будут передавать советским войскам разведывательную информацию.
Но Витя не подчинился приказу и тайно продолжал держать голубей, с их помощью наладив связь с партизанами. Но был «раскрыт» и арестован. Перед тем, как его увели на казнь, Витя успел выпустить всех голубей на волю.
На Нюрнбергском процессе фото убитого мальчика с голубем в руках было представлено в числе документов, обличающих фашизм.
В 1954 году был включен в официальный список пионеров-героев, выпущенного в составе Книги почета Всесоюзной пионерской организации им. В.И. Ленина.