Timoshenko street
Timoshenko Semyon Konstantinovich (1895-1970) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union.
In the first month of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union Marshal S.K. Timoshenko was a chairman of the High Command Headquarters. S.K. Timoshenko directed the counter-offensive operation of the Soviet troops near Rostov-on-Don in autumn 1941, preventing Nazi’s breakthrough to the Caucasus.
In July 1942, S.K. Timoshenko was appointed as a commander of the Stalingrad front.
Chevalier of the "Victory" Order. He was awarded five Orders of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution, five Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Suvorov of the I degree, medals, name checker with the Order of the Red Banner, the honorable name checker with a golden coat of arms of the Soviet Union, foreign orders and medals.
In the first month of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union Marshal S.K. Timoshenko was a chairman of the High Command Headquarters. S.K. Timoshenko directed the counter-offensive operation of the Soviet troops near Rostov-on-Don in autumn 1941, preventing Nazi’s breakthrough to the Caucasus.
In July 1942, S.K. Timoshenko was appointed as a commander of the Stalingrad front.
Chevalier of the "Victory" Order. He was awarded five Orders of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution, five Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Suvorov of the I degree, medals, name checker with the Order of the Red Banner, the honorable name checker with a golden coat of arms of the Soviet Union, foreign orders and medals.
Тимошенко Семен Константинович (1895–1970) – советский военачальник, Маршал Советского Союза, дважды Герой Советского Союза.
В первый месяц Великой Отечественной войны Маршал Советского Союза Тимошенко С.К. был председателем Ставки Главного командования. Тимошенко С.К. осуществлял руководство контрнаступлением советских войск под Ростовом-на-Дону осенью 1941 года, помешав прорыву фашистов на Кавказ.
В июле 1942 года Тимошенко С.К. был назначен командующим Сталинградском фронтом.
Кавалер ордена «Победа». Награжден пятью орденами Ленина, орденом Октябрьской Революции, пятью орденами Красного Знамени, тремя орденами Суворова I степени, медалями, именной шашкой с орденом Красного Знамени, почетной именной шашкой с золотым Гербом СССР, иностранными орденами и медалями.