Sokolov Avenue
Aleksandr Vasiliyevich Sokolov (1882-1932), a Bolshevik, the chairperson of the Rostov Municipal Executive Committee.
In 1926, A. V. Sokolov, a Bolshevik, who took part in the Revolution of 1905, was elected chairperson of the Don Region Executive Committee of the Soviet of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army's Deputies, and some time later he was elected chairperson of the Rostov Region Executive Committee and deputy chairperson of the Northern Caucasus Regional Executive Committee. Thanks to the work of A. V. Sokolov, residents of the city were supplied with food, and industrial enterprises of Rostov-on-Don received raw materials.
In 1926, A. V. Sokolov, a Bolshevik, who took part in the Revolution of 1905, was elected chairperson of the Don Region Executive Committee of the Soviet of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army's Deputies, and some time later he was elected chairperson of the Rostov Region Executive Committee and deputy chairperson of the Northern Caucasus Regional Executive Committee. Thanks to the work of A. V. Sokolov, residents of the city were supplied with food, and industrial enterprises of Rostov-on-Don received raw materials.
Соколов Александр Васильевич (1882-1932) — большевик, председатель Ростовского городского исполкома.
Участник революции 1905 году, большевик Соколов А.В. в 1926 году был избран председателем Донского областного исполнительного комитета Совета рабочих, крестьянских и красноармейских депутатов, спустя некоторое время – председателем Ростовского областного исполкома и заместителем Северо-Кавказского крайисполкома. Благодаря труду Соколова А.В. было организовано снабжение жителей города продовольствием, а промышленных предприятий г. Ростова-на-Дону – сырьём.