Rostov regional tourist information center (TIC)
Tourists can get a TIC complete and accurate information about the sights of the city, all tour operators, places of recreation and entertainment.
Also they can use the following services:
-service ordering guides and interpreters and interpreters for group and individual support;
-aid in case of emergency;
-maps and guidebooks;
-booking of travel vouchers;
-sale of travel SIM-cards;
-services manager for maintenance at the airport of Rostov-on-Don (support, help with registration, registration of documents);
-motor-order services, including car hire;
-booking charter tickets;
-booking and sale of air and rail tickets;
-booking of hotel rooms;
-booking of seats in the rest houses, camp sites and campings;
-the provision of verbal and graphic information on the stay of foreign or domestic tourists in Rostov-on-Don and many other services that help quickly and easily navigate the city.
Information assistance for tourists:
8 (863) 276-78-82
8 (863) 276-79-08
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