Zorge street
Zorge Richard (1895-1944) – a soviet intelligence officer, a Hero of the Soviet Union.
In late 1930s-early 1940s R. Zorge had organized a group of antifascists, agents of which had been gathering and sending to Moscow information about the Fascists and Japanese militarists plans of attack on the USSR for 8 years. R. Zorge was one of the firs to inform Moscow about the number of Nazi troops, the date of attack on the USSR and the general Wehrmacht military plan.
In October 1941 he was arrested by Japanese police and hanged in 1944.
He was awarded a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union on 1964 posthumously.
In late 1930s-early 1940s R. Zorge had organized a group of antifascists, agents of which had been gathering and sending to Moscow information about the Fascists and Japanese militarists plans of attack on the USSR for 8 years. R. Zorge was one of the firs to inform Moscow about the number of Nazi troops, the date of attack on the USSR and the general Wehrmacht military plan.
In October 1941 he was arrested by Japanese police and hanged in 1944.
He was awarded a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union on 1964 posthumously.
Зорге Рихард (1895 –1944) – разведчик, Герой Советского Союза.
В конце 1930-х годов минувшего века Зорге Р. создал в Японии организацию антифашистов-интернационалистов, агенты которой в течение восьми лет собирали и передавали в Москву информацию о планах фашистского командования и японских милитаристов по нападению на Советский Союз. Зорге Р. одним из первых сообщил в Москву данные о составе нацистских сил вторжения, дате нападения на СССР, общую схему военного плана Вермахта.
В октябре 1941 года был арестован японской полицией. Повешен в ноябре 1944 года.
Звание Героя Советского Союза было присвоено Зорге Р. в 1964 году посмертно.