Zhmailov street
Zhmailov Eduard Semenovich (1930-1945) – corporal of 88th Vitebsk Red Banner rifle division .
Zhmailov E.S. volunteered to go to the front when he was 13. He served in the raiment orchestra as a clarinetist, helped give care to the wounded, was a massager, helped to build blindages.
On the 6th of February he sacrificed his life being among those who saved the division banner from the enemy soldiers infiltrated through the defense lines.
For bravery and heroism shown while defending the battle banner Zhmailov E.S. was posthumously awarded the 2nd degree order of the Patriotic war.
Zhmailov E.S. volunteered to go to the front when he was 13. He served in the raiment orchestra as a clarinetist, helped give care to the wounded, was a massager, helped to build blindages.
On the 6th of February he sacrificed his life being among those who saved the division banner from the enemy soldiers infiltrated through the defense lines.
For bravery and heroism shown while defending the battle banner Zhmailov E.S. was posthumously awarded the 2nd degree order of the Patriotic war.
Жмайлов Эдуард Семенович (1930–1945) – ефрейтор 88-й Витебской Краснознаменной стрелковой дивизии.
Жмайлов Э.С. ушел на фронт в 13 лет, служил в полковом оркестре кларнетистом, помогал ухаживать за ранеными, был связным, строил блиндажи.
6 февраля 1945 года пожертвовав собственной жизнью, он был в числе тех, кто спас знамя дивизии от просочившихся в тыл гитлеровцев.
За мужество и героизм, проявленные при защите боевого знамени, Жмайлов Э.С. посмертно был награжден орденом Отечественной войны II-ой степени.