Lelushenko street
Lelushenko Dmitry Danilovich (1901-1987) – a soviet military commander, Colonel General of the guards, twice a Hero of the Soviet Union.
The troops commanded by Lelushenko D.D. fought at Orel, withholding the enemy’s attack on Tula, participated in Rzhevsko-Viazemskaya offensive operation, led a counterattack at Stalingrad.
In 1943 the 4th tank army commanded by the General took participation in liberation of Ukraine, Czech and Berlin assault.
For successful command of the 4th army shown during a force crossing of Oder and personal bravery Lelushenko D.D. was awarded the second “Golden Star” medal.
The troops commanded by Lelushenko D.D. fought at Orel, withholding the enemy’s attack on Tula, participated in Rzhevsko-Viazemskaya offensive operation, led a counterattack at Stalingrad.
In 1943 the 4th tank army commanded by the General took participation in liberation of Ukraine, Czech and Berlin assault.
For successful command of the 4th army shown during a force crossing of Oder and personal bravery Lelushenko D.D. was awarded the second “Golden Star” medal.
Лелюшенко Дмитрий Данилович (1901–1987) – советский военачальник, гвардии генерал-полковник, дважды Герой Советского Союза.
Части под командованием Лелюшенко Д.Д. сражались под Орлом, задерживая наступление противника на Тулу, участвовали в Ржевско-Вяземской наступательной операции, вели контрнаступление под Сталинградом.
В 1943 году 4-я танковая армия под командованием генерала участвует в освобождении Украины, Чехии и наступлении на Берлин.
За успешные действия 4-й танковой армии при форсировании Одера и личное мужество Лелюшенко Д.Д. награжден второй медалью «Золотая Звезда».