Busygin Street
Aleksandr Ivanovich Busygin (1900–1941),
a writer, a war correspondent of the army newspaper “K Pobede” (To the Victory).
He was one of founders of the Northern Caucasus Association of Proletarian Writers in
Rostov-on-Don and in the Northern Caucasus, where he collaborated with V. M. Kirshon,
M. A. Sholokhov, A. A. Fadeyev, V. P. Stavsky.
He volunteered to join the army and worked together with other writers from Rostov in
the “K Pobede” newspaper on the Western Front.
When the 19th Army was surrounded in October 1941, A. I. Busygin, who was Senior Political Officer (a military officer position of a political instructor), was severely wounded in action. With his legs injured, he crawled to the machine gun, as its crew had been blown up by the enemy’s land mine. To help his comrades leave he led the fire at the enemy until he died.
a writer, a war correspondent of the army newspaper “K Pobede” (To the Victory).
He was one of founders of the Northern Caucasus Association of Proletarian Writers in
Rostov-on-Don and in the Northern Caucasus, where he collaborated with V. M. Kirshon,
M. A. Sholokhov, A. A. Fadeyev, V. P. Stavsky.
He volunteered to join the army and worked together with other writers from Rostov in
the “K Pobede” newspaper on the Western Front.
When the 19th Army was surrounded in October 1941, A. I. Busygin, who was Senior Political Officer (a military officer position of a political instructor), was severely wounded in action. With his legs injured, he crawled to the machine gun, as its crew had been blown up by the enemy’s land mine. To help his comrades leave he led the fire at the enemy until he died.
Бусыгин Александр Иванович (1900–1941) – писатель, военный корреспондент армейской газеты «К победе».
Один из организаторов Северо-Кавказской ассоциации пролетарских писателей (СКАПП)
в Ростове-на-Дону и на Северном Кавказе,
в которой сотрудничал с Киршоном В.М., Шолоховым М.А., Фадеевым А.А.,
Ставским В.П.
Добровольцем ушел на фронт. Работал вместе с другими ростовскими писателями
в армейской газете «К победе» на Западном фронте.
Когда в октябре 1941 года 19 армия попала в окружение, старший политрук (офицерская должность политического наставника). Бусыгин А.И. был тяжело ранен в бою. С перебитыми ногами он дополз до пулемета, расчет которого был уничтожен вражеской миной. И вел огонь по противнику, прикрывая отход товарищей, пока не погиб.