Official News of Rostov

December 15 to 17 -- Festival of German Cinema in the Southern Capital. The movies are represented by the German Cultural Center named after Goethe (Moscow). The movies are demonstrated in German with sub-titles in Russian.
Venue: Literary Parlor of the Don Public Library
Time of event: 10:00.
See the Don Public Library web-site for the program of the festival:

December 17 – Lecture Hall of the popular science project “Nauka-PRO (Science-PRO)” devoted to outer space conquering.
Lecturer: Vitaly Egorov – member of staff of the Private Space company “Dauria Aerospace”, administrator of popular science groups “Open Space” and Curiosity Mars Rover in “VKontakte” Social Group, aeronautic science communicator.
Free entrance.
Venue: Don State Public Library
Additional information see in the group “VKontakte”:

December 22 – Christmas and New Year Tree opening ceremony in Oktyabrsky District.
Venue: 1, Gagarina Sq.
Time of event: 12:00.
For additional information dial up: +7 (863) 245-48-58.

December 23 – Rostov residents and guests of the city are invited to Christmas Cheese Fair.
Venue: 51, Semashko Lane
For additional information dial up: +7 (863) 240-28-83.

December 23 – “Christmas Star Shine” assembly tour.
We invite Rostov residents and city visitors to a bus-tour, devoted to Christianity, its expansion in the Azov land. You shall be informed about the traditional way to celebrate holy days. Events of the tour – visit to the convent of Iviron Icon of Holy Mother of God, Surb-Khach Armenian Church, Catholic Church of Lord’s Supper, which is particularly picturesque in Christmas, and the Cathedral of St. Dimitry Rostovsky. Visits to the Church of St. John of Kronshtadt and the church of Kazan Icon of Icon of Holy Mother of God are optional.
Tour starts at: 11:00.
Tour duration: 4 hrs.
Tour is arranged in case the group exceeds 10 persons.
For additional information dial up: 8-800-550-10-61.

December 23 - 24 – Christmas Gastronomy Fair is hold in the Don capital.
Venue: October Revolution Park
For additional information dial up: +7 (863) 240-28-83.

December 24 – Yet another Christmas Gastronomy Fair.
Venue: Chekhova St. (between Suvorova St. and Pushkinskaya St.).
For additional information dial up: +7 (863) 240-28-83.

December 25 – Christmas and New Year Tree opens up with “New Year Fairy Tale” theatrical performance in Leninsky District.
Venue: Sobornaya Sq.
Time of event: 14:00.
For additional information dial up: +7 (863) 245-48-58.

December 26 -- Christmas and New Year Tree opening in Sovietsky District.
Venue: 24, Kommunistichesky Ave.
Time of event: 12:00.
For additional information dial up: +7 (863) 222-46-73.

December 30 – Invite you to the tour “Christmas and New Year in Rostov”.
During the tour tourists will know about the traditions of celebrating New Year and Christmas in the Don land; will visit the central handsomely decorated streets of Rostov – Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, Budennovsky and Voroshilovsky Avenues, at ceremonial squares – Sovietov (of the Soviets), Teatralnaya (Theater) and the Square of Karl Marx. The bus “Christmas and New Year in Rostov” tour is hold in the evening – for the tourists to enjoy the beauty and shine of the city in holiday decorations. The tour will be enjoyed both by the visitors and city residents.    
Tour starts at: 17:00
Tour duration: 3 hrs.
Tour is arranged in case the group exceeds 10 persons.
For additional information dial up: 8-800-550-10-61.

December 30 - 31 – Christmas Fair
Venue: October Revolution Park
For additional information dial up: +7 (863) 240-28-83.