Official News of Rostov

The Extended Session of Inter-Departmental Coordination Council for Tourist Resources Development was held on Tuesday, November, 28, 2017. “Liga Natsiy (League of Nations)” Business-Center served as grounds for the session.

Promotion of the tourist brand of the Don region capital was on the agenda. 

- Infrastructure of the city itself is changing today, we invest a lot of means and resources in its development, building of new facilities. It all shall contribute to favor of the touristic sector, positively impact the image of Rostov-on-Don. All this and the way we succeed during the next year, will partly determine its further development. For this reason, promotion of the Don region capital and its capacities is a significant area of our activities, - stressed Dimitry Chernishov, Deputy Head for Economics of Rostov-on-Don Municipal Administration.

Svetalana Kambulova, Director of Economic Department of the City of Rostov-on-Don, spoke “On Promotion and Development Perspectives of the Tourist Brand of the City of Rostov-on-Don” during this session.


Thus, S. Kambulova stressed, that work on promotion of competitive advantages of Rostov-on-Don city tourist brand was continued during the current year. Emphasis was put directly to the types of tourism, which are promising for the city: event-related, ethnic-and-gastronomic and business tourism.   


- Research study showed, that Rostov citizens and city visitors can observe big potential in development of the tourist segment in our city. Basic idea, put into the basis of the tourist brand “Rostov-on-Don”, is “the city, open and attractive for everyone”. In the year 2017 the symbol and slogan were selected – “Rostov-on-Don - the city with a taste” for promotion of gastronomic tourism, -- added the Director of Economic Department of the City of Rostov-on-Don.    

The systematic activities are launched now to detect and use the competitive advantages of this city, which allow to meet the current demand and growth of interest from the side of city residents, its visitors, and other target groups. Thus, gradually the identity of Rostov as tourist center will be formed.      

Besides, Alexei Matvienko, General Director, LLC “Gorod Park (Park City)”, and Elena Ischenko, Consultant, LLC “Gorod Park” spoke about the results of promotion activities of the tourist brand of Southern capital. 


Alexei Matvienko stressed on the main directions of activities to develop the tourist brand through the previous year. They were: strengthening of information dissemination and social networks presence; increase of information awareness of target audience about the touristic capabilities of Rostov-on-Don; promotion of the tourist brand of Rostov-on-Don is organized in the form of establishing broadcasting channel “Rostov Gorod (Rostov City), Rostov-Don” at You-Tube hosting. So, 12 video-interview clips were produced with brand ambassadors, tour-guides, reports from the Festival of City Blocks, presentation clip of Rostov-on-Don; compilation of a unified four-seasons calendar of gastronomic events; public opinion polling and celebrity stakeouts with active citizens; working-out of the recommended list for tourists, interesting sites to visit related with ethno-gastronomic potential of the city; issuing the Don cuisine specialties list (local food products, dishes and drinks), most vividly expressing the city gastronomic identity; development of the festival of city blocks, as an event common for entire city; development of an Internet-resource for promotion of fashion designers from Rostov; Rostov souvenir concept development and fabrication of prototypes, including tabletop quiz-games, site-seeing tour-guides; elaboration of Part II of the popular anti-stress coloring book “Tourist Valera Adventures. Let’s Speak in Rostov Language.” and the Don land recipe book; development of a non-standard sight-seeing tour-guide; development of a “Genius Loci” walking tour along Rostov-on-Don about famous Rostov residents.  

Within the session framework Dimitry Chernishov awarded operators of tourist industry with the Letters of Appreciation from the Head of Rostov-on-Don Municipal Administration:


- Ilya Andrejenko, General Director, LLC “Smart”;

- Eugene Zamogilny, Leading Translator-Guide, LLC “Tour Boutique”;

- Nelly Ioannesyan, Hotel Department Manager, LLC “Park-Hotel Jardin”;

- Elena Ischenko, Expert of the Russian Government for Marketing and Management Quality;

- Antonina Sazonova, Senior manager, LLC “Zolotiye Kupola (Golden Domes)”;

- Natalia Sapsai, General Director, LLC “Donskoy Prichal (The Don Pier)”;

- Natalia Stepanenko, Head Specialist, LLC “Tourist-Commercial Company “REINA-TOUR”;

- Karine Shatvoryan, Manager of “Europa”  Hotel-and-Restaurant Complex, LLC “BON APETIT”.
