Use public transport and pay in the non-cash way

Use public transport and pay in the non-cash way. Transport cards and contactless bank cards of any banks and payment service providers Visa&MasterCard are accepted. You can use bank cards acts on all routes of the trams and shuttles going in the Platov airport . Step-by-step all types of public transport will accept contactless bank cards for payment. 

Detailed information is posted on the website
You can acquire transport cards in ARPS InfoCenter, situated on Sotsialisticheskaya St., 37 and in all Rostdonpechat booths. 

InfoCenter operating mode: Mon-Fri 08.00-17.00, сб 09.00-15.00.
Phone number: 8 863 285 0900. To fill up the transport card use cash in terminals of Center-Invest bank. The list of points of replenishment is posted on the website