Exposition Dedicated to Bodyguards of Russian Emperors to be Shown to Rostov Visitors

Foreign visitors who will come to Rostov will be able to see Russia’s only exposition devoted to bodyguards of Russian emperors and Cossack guards. The exhibition found its place at the Don State University. According to Irina Romanova, Head of the Cultural Exhibition Center of the Don State Technical University, Don Cossack Guards, large groups of visitors from Mexico and Czech Republic stated their willingness to see the exposition:

“The exposition is based on a private collection, which Nikolay Novikov, a Rostovite, assembled over 28 years. The exhibition displays original documents, photographs, uniforms of guardsmen, their weapons and equipment, which have not been available to the general public earlier.” 

Globally, you can learn the history of Cossack guard regiments only in Paris, at the Museum of the Cossack Life Guards Regiment, which the Cossacks rescued and brought abroad during the Civil War in Russia.