Youth Day Celebration

The central event of the festivities will be the Festival of Youth Initiatives held on June 29 on the Embankment of the River Don. Representatives of all known movements and groups, youth subcultures will get together on that day, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. All day long, five venues will see performances of the best youth groups, a presentation and exposition of youth initiatives, concerts involving popular music cover bands, street musicians, groups and solo performers.

Apart from that, several sport and extreme areas will be arranged on the embankment. Workouters, freeriders, bikers, rollers, traceurs, graffiti artists, yogi will perform there. Freestyle football exhibition performances will take place there as well.

On this fun day, visitors will also have a chance to see retro cars or take part in a youth quest.

Reportedly, for the first time delegations from Germany and several Russian cities will participate in Youth Day celebrations as part of the international youth project, Football Unites.