The grand opening of the park on the left bank of the River Don is expected to be spectacular and interesting

The grand opening is anticipated to be held on May 1, and final site improvement is underway now.

The festivities will continue from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., and organizers tried to account for interests of most citizens of the city, so that everyone could find an amusement to their liking. The festivities will include a concert, sports competitions, arts and crafts, libraries of the city and the Youth Theater will have their own grounds. Young Rostovites will enjoy a show of fire engines, a kite show, a chalk-painting contest, a zoo and many other things. Twenty locations and themed zones will cater for the visitors. The event is expected to be large-scale and spectacular in the Rostov way.

“This park will be one of the signature sites of our city. And its festive opening should be the most remarkable and vivid event of spring. Rostov is a creative city that knows well how to have fun. Our task is to ensure safety and comfort of event visitors”, noted Elena Kozhukhova, Deputy Head of the City Administration in Social Issues.