The exposition of the Danilovsky bastion of Cherkassk will be set in Starocherkasskaya stanitsa.

Governor Vasily Golubev ordered to allocate nearly 5 million rubles from the Reserve Fund of the regional budget to make an exposition of the Danilovsky bastion of Cherkassk settlement in Starocherkasskaya stanitsa.

Cast-iron cannons and maps, portraits will appear on the open-air grounds, a wall of the Danilovsky bastion will be reconstructed. Tourists will certainly most enjoy a site equipped with multimedia equipment producing sound effects.

The Governor repeatedly called Starocherkasskaya stanista a kind of brand of the Rostov region.

“We should arrange it for the stanitsa to receive tourists all the year round and to keep on developing”, says Vasily Golubev.

To achieve it, a complex development program for Starocherkasskaya stanitsa is delivered. 1.27 billion rubles are provided for infrastructure development, construction of roads, a park area, a concert venue and communication lines in the Cossack capital. Most of works have already been completed: the water supply system was renovated, the roads were repaired, a six-hectare park was laid out.

They also plan to build a parking lot for 1,000 cars and an open-air theater to seat 5,000 viewers.