For the first time, the legendary Cossack games Shermitsii will take place in Rostov-on-Don

The Shermitsii games are a major international event among traditional competitions in Russia, they also belong to the intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. In 2018, the games will take place for the 14th time, and this year their venue will be the Kumzha Ethnological Complex, which was created to keep, study and promote cultural heritage of the Lower Don Cossacks and to develop event tourism. Besides, for the first time, the games will run for three days – from April 30 through May 2.

The Shermitsii games are selected as one of favorites among the festivals held during the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia.

The program of the 2018 Shermitsii games includes: Rostov Region Open Fancy Riding Cup, horse riding shows, tournaments in fist fighting, belt wrestling and archery, saber slashing, fencing with sabers and lances, amusements for adults, games and fun for kids, horse riding, old-time amusement rides, folklore theatrical performances, a special guest – a famous performer of Cossack songs Yury Scherbakov from Volgograd, a contest of women’s Cossack dresses, master classes for Cossack women, master classes of Cossack crafts people: willow weaving, pottery and saddlery, the main Cossack fair of the year, a festival of Don herring, local cuisine.