Timeline of City Day Festivities of Rostov-on-Don

The official day of foundation of the city of Rostov-on-Don is considered to be December 15, 1749, when empress Elizabeth Petrovna of Russia by her edict established the Temernitskaya custom house. In 1806 Rostov was already mentioned in chronicles as a town. Rostov-on-Don boasts of its own relic of the past – town banner, which was granted to City Duma (Council) by the town public representatives on September 20, 1864. The occasion is used as a reason to celebrate the City Day festivities in September.

In 1949 broad public celebrated the bicentennial anniversary of foundation of Rostov. And since 1997 the tradition of celebrating of city day was restarted. Currently the city day is celebrated on the third Sunday of September.

Considering the historical and cultural relevance of Rostov, the Decree of the President of Russian Federation on Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Foundation Day of the Don Area Capital (April 10, 1999 No. 450) was signed. It was not a rare thing that the celebrations of city day were closely related to other important events. So in 2012 the cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky was laid down in Severny residential community.

In 2002 the “Rostov-on-Don Formula 253” cross-country car-and-bike race was held on city day.

In 2008 - 2010 the All-City Family Fancy Dress Balls were arranged within the frames of city day festivities.

In 2013 Bulgarian on-stage folk and variety groups from the twin-city Pleven performed on the city day.  

In 2009, in the year of 260th anniversary, the sculpture group, which soon became one of the symbols of the city – the monument to the founding figures of the fortress of St. Dmitry Rostovsky was opened at the crossing of Krepostnoy and Bolshaya Sadovaya streets.

Also during the 260th anniversary, along with the other events, the Rostov Central Post-Office performed a symbolic cancellation of pre-stamped envelopes with the special postmark bearing the image of City Council, and the post stamp with the image of the well-known railway bridge across the Don river. It is notable that the Central Post-Office was approached from the other areas of the Russian Federation with the requests to forward the Rostov envelopes with the memorable cancellation for replenishment of private philatelic collections.

One of the centers of attraction during the celebrations of city day is the Don River embankment. It is the place of the annual city festival “Rostov Multinational”: concerts and open-air folk festivals.

Every residential community has its festival during a city day celebrations. Rostov residents of all ages have their chance not only to enjoy their time of leisure, but also demonstrate their talents.        

There are traditional shows of Russian show biz starts at the Theater Square on a city day. Coronation of every city day is a magnificent festive fireworks.    


Source: http://rostov-gorod.ru/den-goroda-rostova-na-donu/