Film about Rostov is the Grand-Prix Winner at International Film Festival

The movie “Opposite the Left Bank” shot by the Rostov-on-Don dwellers within the “City Code (Kod Goroda)” movie-picture laboratory won the Grand-Prix at the 13th “Golden Apricot” International Film Festival. Xenia Protosevich, the project PR Manager, narrates about the event.    

Erevan held the “Golden Apricot” International Film Festival, which in this year was devoted to the 25th anniversary of independence of Armenia. The applications for participation in documentaries contest were submitted by more than 700 movies. Twelve of them were included into the short-list, and the Grand-Prix was won by the only movie from Russia – “Opposite the Left Bank”, directed by Evgeny Grigoriev and his co-authors, 8 participants of the “City Code (Kod Goroda)” movie-picture laboratory.            

“I did not shot this movie, it was shot by the young guys from Rostov-on-Don. In such a way they confessed their love to home city, and saw their own reflection in it” – explained Evgeny Grigoriev at the awards ceremony.     

It is worth to remind that 16 young Rostov dwellers were selected to participate in the motion-picture laboratory. Only eight of them got to the final and shot their novels about the city. The film is composed of the novels about a jazz trumpet-player performing in Kim Nazaretov ensemble, whose main occupation is a butcher at the Central Market place; myths and legends of the jumbo-house at Profsoyuznaya Street; story about the sacrifices of a young Rostov girl searching for Mr. Right and other novels. The film sets were scattered all over the city, due to what the movie have saved the mosaic underground street-crossings, and Paramonov’s warehouses in their authentic appearance too well known to every city-dweller.       

It is a recent knowledge that the movie was included into the program of the National Contest of Documentary Films “Flaertiana”, which shall take place in September of this year in Perm.  

“The interest of festivals, and particularly the awards – is an important professional acknowledgement, which gives green light to the movie about Rostov to the broad audience in movie-theaters and at TV” – noted Anna Selianina, project producer.     

The premiere show of the movie in Russia shall take place within the frames of the Bridge of Arts International Art Festival in Rostov-on-Don.
