The Program of Special Film Releases BRIDGE of ARTS “Rostov Inspires!” Is Formed

The steering committee of the II International Motivational Film Festival finished selection of films for a special program. It includes 18 movies, which were shot in Rostov Region during the recent years.

For the majority of the films the BRIDGE of ARTS festival shall be the premiere show, still some of the movies have already won the awards of various film festivals.  

“Rostov Inspires!” program shall open up with premiere show of the movie “French Gastronomy”, and it shall be presented by its crew. It is a love story, which brings a young Parisienne-girl to a far-away Russian city Taganrog. The mini-TVseries was shot by Sergey Sentsov, director of the well-known “PE Teacher (Fizruk)”. The lead roles were played by Cécile Plaige, Alexey Demidov, Evelina Bledans, Olga Volkova, and others. The showing shall take place at the open-air stage in the October Revolution Park, and shall be free for all comers.          

The main program shall take place on August 27, 2016. Out of more than three dozens of movies the organizers selected the films, made in different genres, sometimes with the opposite author approach. The viewers shall see documentaries and live-action films: dramas, comedies, war-historical movies, melodramas, thrillers. But every movie shall have Rostov-on-Don or Rostov Region as the background.        

Rostov dwellers are very tender about their home city and when they see it in the big screen, they have special feelings. It was not so crucial, what is the genre of a movie, it is important that it reveals how cinematographic is our region. We are speaking about locations, and local talented film directors, actors, cameramen” – noted Galina Koren, coordinator of selection board.                

Release showing day shall culminate with one more film premiere – “Opposite the Left Bank”, shot by the members of the “City Code (Kod Goroda)” motion-picture laboratory. This is a movie about Rostov, the Grand-Prix winner of the “Golden Apricot” Film Festival in Erevan, Armenia. The film is composed of the novels about a jazz trumpet-player performing in Kim Nazaretov ensemble, whose main occupation is a butcher at the Central Market place; myths and legends of the jumbo-house at Profsoyuznaya Street; story about the sacrifices of a young Rostov girl searching for Mr. Right and other novels.              
