Monument “Granting New Life”

Madoyana street, 32

It is already five years, that “Granting New Life” assists in maternity labor. Women believe that if you touch it and look into the sculpture’s eyes, labor shall go fast and painless.

No one can say now – what is the origin of the belief. However, Rostov women had no reason to doubt the virtue of “Granting New Life”. The miracle-working power of the bronze lady was never proven, but as usual, the news flies fast, and the belief is broadcasted by word of mouth. That is why the future mothers shall always come to the sculpture.  

As city legend puts it: to conceive a child one needs to touch the statue. There are rumors, that after the statue had been installed, the city experienced a small-scale population outbreak – three midwifes of maternity home got pregnant, and at their heels some more female employees!

The statue went to Dortmund to an art show, and the Germans promised huge money to keep it, but the author insisted, that “Granting New Life” statue should come back to Rostov.

The new monument soon became a symbol of the city. It is a favorite spot to make snap-shots with the newborns. The newlyweds come to the statue right after registration in the Civil Registry Office. There is a new joke in Rostov: “A girl just touches it, and she is pregnant!”