Sculptural Composition “Football Player”

Sholokhov Street 31A
“Football Player” is molded in bronze by Dmitry Luindin, Rostov sculptor, and it represents a generalized character of famous Rostov football players. The composition is devoted to the victories of the USSR national football squad in the 1960 Europe Cup Final, in which Victor Ponedelnik from Rostov hit the decisive goal (USSR defeated Yugoslavia – 2:1); winning of the 1981 USSR Footbal Cup by FC “Sport Army Club (SKA Rostov-on-Don)”; winning of the 2014 Russia Football Cup by FC “Rostov”, and other major achievements of Rostov regional football. The traditions of the Don region football are known all over Russia. Our outstanding football clubs and great football players have many times proven with their sportsmanship, that Rostov football school is one of the best in this country.