Kataev street
Kataev Alexander Serapionovich (1907-1944) – captain, commander of the 1st battalion of Rostov rifle militia regiment.
Kataev’s sabotage and reconnaissance group was formed in 1941and spent 2 months behind the enemy lines, ambushing German troops, where in fierce fights destroyed several squads of the Nazis, 10 transport units, including 5 with ammunition. Moreover, the soldiers managed to get in touch with local partisans and conduct a series of successful operations.
The militias commanded by Kataev A.S. were among those, who fought to the last ditch for Rostov. Having covered together with other squads the retreat pf the 56th army, they received an order to leave the city only on the 24th of July 1942.
Kataev’s sabotage and reconnaissance group was formed in 1941and spent 2 months behind the enemy lines, ambushing German troops, where in fierce fights destroyed several squads of the Nazis, 10 transport units, including 5 with ammunition. Moreover, the soldiers managed to get in touch with local partisans and conduct a series of successful operations.
The militias commanded by Kataev A.S. were among those, who fought to the last ditch for Rostov. Having covered together with other squads the retreat pf the 56th army, they received an order to leave the city only on the 24th of July 1942.
Катаев Александр Серапионович (1907–1944) – капитан, командир 1-го батальона Ростовского стрелкового полка народного ополчения.
В 1941 году был сформирован диверсионно-разведывательный отряд Катаева, который за два месяца действий в тылу противника, нападая из засад, в ожесточенных схватках разгромил несколько подразделений гитлеровцев, захватил более десяти обозов, в том числе пять с боеприпасами. Также бойцам удалось, установив связь с местными партизанами, провести ряд успешных операций.
Ополченцы под командованием Катаева А.С. были в числе тех, кто сражался из последних сил за Ростов. Обеспечив вместе с другими частями отход основных сил 56-й армии, они по приказу оставили город лишь 24 июня 1942 года.