Samoshkin lane
Samoshkin Andrey Alexeyevich (1892-1941) – militant, heroically perished during the liberation of Rostov from the Nazis in November 1941.
At night, November 28, 1941 the militants of the 2nd battalion began to occupy the ruins of cement and slate plant that was defended by the Nazis. Rostovites needed to create the conditions for a successful crossing of the Don by the other units of the regiment as soon as possible. But all the gunners of the battalion were killed. Under the enemy’s fire Samoshkin approached the enemy’s position and repulsed several attacks of the enemy with a heavy machine gun. And militants moved to the offense. But splinter of a grenade caught the gunner. Samoshkin died a heroic death with shooting gun in his hands.
Samoshkin was posthumously awarded the medal "For Military Merit".
At night, November 28, 1941 the militants of the 2nd battalion began to occupy the ruins of cement and slate plant that was defended by the Nazis. Rostovites needed to create the conditions for a successful crossing of the Don by the other units of the regiment as soon as possible. But all the gunners of the battalion were killed. Under the enemy’s fire Samoshkin approached the enemy’s position and repulsed several attacks of the enemy with a heavy machine gun. And militants moved to the offense. But splinter of a grenade caught the gunner. Samoshkin died a heroic death with shooting gun in his hands.
Samoshkin was posthumously awarded the medal "For Military Merit".
Самошкин Андрей Алексеевич (1892–1941) – ополченец, героически погибший во время освобождения Ростова от гитлеровцев в ноябре 1941 года.
Ночью 28 ноября 1941 года ополченцы 2-го батальона начали занимать развалины цементно-шиферного завода, которые оборонялись гитлеровцами. Ростовчанам было необходимо в самые сжатые сроки создать условия для успешной переправы через Дон других подразделений полка. Но все пулеметчики батальона были уничтожены. Под огнем противника Самошкин А.А приблизился к расположению врага и действуя станковым пулеметом отбил несколько атак гитлеровцев. Ополченцы двинулись в наступление. Но осколок мины настиг героя. Он погиб смертью храбрых за действующим пулеметом.
Самошкин А.А. был посмертно награжден медалью «За боевые заслуги».