Maxim Gorky Street
Maxim Gorky (1868-1936), a writer, a poet, a political activist, a playwright.
His real name is Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov. He is one of the most prominent and best-known Russian writers and thinkers in the world. Since 1918, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature five times.
It is believed that he visited Rostov-on-Don three times. In summer 1891, he worked as a dock labourer at the Rostov port. On his way to the Caucasus, he visited the city on 18 July 1928. A year later, he met workers of the Lenin Steam Train Repairs Plant and railway workers of the Rostov railway hub. He also visited the building site of the future Rostselmash plant, and made a speech at the meeting.
His real name is Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov. He is one of the most prominent and best-known Russian writers and thinkers in the world. Since 1918, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature five times.
It is believed that he visited Rostov-on-Don three times. In summer 1891, he worked as a dock labourer at the Rostov port. On his way to the Caucasus, he visited the city on 18 July 1928. A year later, he met workers of the Lenin Steam Train Repairs Plant and railway workers of the Rostov railway hub. He also visited the building site of the future Rostselmash plant, and made a speech at the meeting.
Горький Максим (1868-1936) — прозаик, поэт, публицист, драматург.
Настоящее имя — Алексей Максимович Пешков. Один из самых значительных и известных в мире русских писателей и мыслителей. Начиная с 1918 года был 5 раз номинирован на Нобелевскую премию по литературе.
Считается, что трижды посещал г. Ростов-на-Дону. Летом 1891 года работал грузчиком в Ростовском порту. Проездом на Кавказ посещал город 18 июля 1928 года. Спустя год встретился с рабочими паровозоремонтного завода им. Ленина и железнодорожниками Ростовского узла, побывал на стройплощадке будущего завода «Ростсельмаш», выступил с речью на митинге.