Shapovalov Street
Evgeny Petrovich Shapovalov (1904–1977), Guards Lieutenant Colonel, was born in Taganrog in Rostov region.
He was the commander of the 23rd Red Banner Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 7th Guards Tank Corps of the 3rd Guards Tank Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front.
Lieutenant Colonel E. A. Shapovalov distinguished himself in the fights for Berlin in April and May 1945. The brigade under this command destroyed a considerable amount of the enemy’s fighting equipment and troops, took over 1,200 soldiers and officers as captives, liberated prisoners of war camp during forced crossings of the Neisse river, the Spree river, the Teltow Canal and during street fights.
On 31 May 1945, Lieutenant Colonel
E. P. Shapovalov was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
He was the commander of the 23rd Red Banner Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 7th Guards Tank Corps of the 3rd Guards Tank Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front.
Lieutenant Colonel E. A. Shapovalov distinguished himself in the fights for Berlin in April and May 1945. The brigade under this command destroyed a considerable amount of the enemy’s fighting equipment and troops, took over 1,200 soldiers and officers as captives, liberated prisoners of war camp during forced crossings of the Neisse river, the Spree river, the Teltow Canal and during street fights.
On 31 May 1945, Lieutenant Colonel
E. P. Shapovalov was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
Шаповалов Евгений Петрович (1904–1977) – гвардии подполковник, уроженец города Таганрог Ростовской области.
Командир 23-й Краснознамённой гвардейской мотострелковой бригады 7-го гвардейского танкового корпуса 3-й гвардейской танковой армии 1-го Украинского фронта.
Подполковник Шаповалов Е.А. отличился в апреле-мае 1945 года в
боях за Берлин. Бригада под его командованием при форсировании рек Нейсе, Шпрее, Тельтов-канала и в уличных боях уничтожила
значительное количество боевой техники и войск противника, взяла в плен свыше 1200 солдат и офицеров, освободила лагерь военнопленных.
31 мая 1945 года подполковнику Шаповалову Е.П. присвоено звание Героя Советского Союза.