Vatutin Street
Nikolay Fedorovich Vatutin (1901–1944), Army General in the General Staff during the Great Patriotic War.
He took part in the defence of Novgorod. He ensured direction for counterattacks of the Soviet troops at the approaches to Leningrad. He was in charge of the Voronezh Front and the South-Western Front. He developed Stalingrad Operation and took part in it. During Operation “Little Saturn” forces under N. F. Vatutin’s command captured 60,000 soldiers and officers and liberated 1,250 towns and villages.
He took part in the Battle of Kursk. He liberated Ukraine, fought in the Battle of the Dnieper. Being the Commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front, in cooperation with the 2nd Ukrainian Front, he conducted the Korsun–Shevchenkovsky Offensive operation in winter 1944.
He was granted the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously on 6 May 1965.
He took part in the defence of Novgorod. He ensured direction for counterattacks of the Soviet troops at the approaches to Leningrad. He was in charge of the Voronezh Front and the South-Western Front. He developed Stalingrad Operation and took part in it. During Operation “Little Saturn” forces under N. F. Vatutin’s command captured 60,000 soldiers and officers and liberated 1,250 towns and villages.
He took part in the Battle of Kursk. He liberated Ukraine, fought in the Battle of the Dnieper. Being the Commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front, in cooperation with the 2nd Ukrainian Front, he conducted the Korsun–Shevchenkovsky Offensive operation in winter 1944.
He was granted the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously on 6 May 1965.
Ватутин Николай Фёдорович (1901–1944) – генерал армии в Великую Отечественную войны служил в Генеральном штабе.
Участник обороны города Новгорода. Руководил контрударами советских войск на подступах к г. Ленинграду. Командовал Воронежским, Юго-Западным фронтами. Разрабатывал и принимал участие в Сталинградской операции. В ходе операции «Малый Сатурн» войска Ватутина Н.Ф. взяли в плен 60 тысяч солдат и офицеров, освободили около 1250 населенных пунктов.
Участник Курской битвы. Освобождал Украину, сражался за Днепр. Командуя 1-м Украинским фронтом, совместно со 2-м Украинским фронтом зимой 1944 года проводил Корсунь-Шевченковскую операцию.
Звание Героя Советского Союза присвоено посмертно 6 мая 1965 года.