Kruchinin Street
Vladimir Fedorovich Kruchinin (1912-1938), a soldier of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, Senior Lieutenant of the tank troops, who took part in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939, Hero of the Soviet Union, a native of Rostov-on-Don.
In July 1937, V. F. Kruchinin distinguished himself in the fight near the municipality of Fuentes de Ebro. Despite the fact that his tank was damaged and stuck in the enemy’s trench, during 24 hours he and his crew shot enemies who surrounded them, and then they managed to get to their unit. On 20 February 1938, he perished in a fight near Madrid.
On 14 March 1938, Junior Commander V. F. Kruchinin was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.
In July 1937, V. F. Kruchinin distinguished himself in the fight near the municipality of Fuentes de Ebro. Despite the fact that his tank was damaged and stuck in the enemy’s trench, during 24 hours he and his crew shot enemies who surrounded them, and then they managed to get to their unit. On 20 February 1938, he perished in a fight near Madrid.
On 14 March 1938, Junior Commander V. F. Kruchinin was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.
Кручинин Владимир Федорович (1912-1938) — боец РККА, старший лейтенант танковых войск, участник гражданской войны в Испании 1936—1939 годов, Герой Советского Союза, уроженец г. Ростова-на-Дону.
В июле 1937 г. Кручинин В.Ф. отличился в бою у населённого пункта Фуэнтес-де-Эбро. Несмотря на то, что его танк был подбит и застрял в окопе противника, он и его экипаж в течение суток отстреливался от окруживших его врагов, а затем, сумели добраться до своего подразделения. 20 февраля 1938 года погиб в бою под Мадридом.
14 марта 1938 года младшему командиру Кручинину В.Ф. было посмертно присвоено звание Героя Советского Союза.