Victory Garden to Appear on Sambek Heights

Over 200 young apple and cherry trees will be planted on the grounds of the Sambek Heights, the people’s museum complex of military history. The Victory Garden arboretum project was approved at the session chaired by Governor Vasily Golubev on July 4. 

Niedzwetzky's apple trees and cherry trees will brighten up the orchard. They are ornamental varieties, they blossom, but never yield fruit. The trees boast strong scent, fast growth, easy adaptation to growth conditions. Cherry trees are highly valued globally thanks to their picturesque blossom.

Young trees will be planted in October. Volunteers of student teams are expected to join the active efforts.

“The project has already got its official name, Victory Garden. Young adults, the generation for whose sake soldiers perished in battles, should take part in building the museum”, said Vasily Golubev.